​海王电影原声带插曲配乐 海王ost所有音乐歌名歌词介绍

海王电影原声带插曲配乐 海王ost所有音乐歌名歌词介绍


随着电影《海王》在国内的热映,《海王》电影的插曲也备受观众喜爱,尤其是片尾曲《everything i need》,成为观众心中的最爱。那《海王》电影中一共有多少歌曲呢?这些歌曲分别是什么呢?下面就一起来看看吧!


1.《She’s a mystery to me》

by Roy Orbison-《mystery girl》

Darkness falls and she will take me by the hand,Take me to some twilight land,Where all but love is grey,Where I can't find my way,Without her as my guide,Night falls I'm cast beneath her spell,Daylight comes our heaven turned to hell,Am I left to burn and burn eternally,She's a mystery to me

She's a mystery girl*2

In the night of love words tangled in her hair,Words soon to disappear,A love so sharp it cut,Like a switchblade to my heart,Words tearing me apart,She tears again she tears my bleeding heart,I want to,run she's pulling me apart,Fallen angel cry then I just melt away,She's a mystery to me

She's a mystery girl*4

Haunted by her side,It's the darkness in her eyes,That so intrigues me,But if my love is blind,Then I don't want to see,She's a mystery to me,Night falls I'm cast beneath her spell,Daylight comes our heaven turned to hell,Am I left to burn and burn eternally,She's a mystery to me

She's a mystery girl*10


by Sigur Rós-《we play endlessly》

Þú, ert refur,Þú, þú hefur - á lofti,Á lofti, já,Á loft,Á lofti, já,Þú, líður,Ó, ó friður,Ó nei,Ó nei, já,Ó nei,Ó nei já,Sæglópur,Á lífi,Kominn heim,Sæglópur,Á lífi,Kominn heim,Það kemur kafari


You are a fox,You take off - into the air,In the air, yes,Into the air,In the air, yes,You glide/float/tolerate; suffer,Oh peace, war/unrest/discord,Oh no,Oh no, oh,Oh no,Oh no, oh,A lost seafarer,Alive,Has returned home,A lost seafarer,Alive,Has returned home,A diver comes

3.《it’s no good》

by Depeche mode-dmbx6


4.《Safari song》

By greta can fleet-black smoke rising



By we smack/carly mckillip-edge of the storm


6.《runaway train》

By the bros.landreth-let it lie

I'm worried about you,I'm worried about me,The curves around midnight,Aren't easy to see,Flashing red warnings,Unseen in the rain,This thing has turned into,A runaway train,Long-distance phone calls,A voice on the line,Electrical miles,That soften the time,The dynamite too,Is hooked on the wire,And so are the rails,Of American Flyers,Blind boys and gamblers,They invented the blues,Will pay up in blood,When this marker comes due,To try and get off now,It's about as insane,As those who wave lanterns,At runaway trains,Steel rails and hard lives,Are always in twos,I have been here before this,And now it's with you,I'm worried about you

I'm worried about me,We're lighting the fuses,And counting to three,And what are the choices,For those who remain,The sign of the cross,On a runaway train,This thing has turned into,A runaway train,This thing has turned into,A runaway train,Our love has turned into,A runaway train

7.《everything i need》

by- Skylar Grey

The wrong side of the ocean,with all the tides against you,I never thought you’d,be much good to for anyone,that so far from the true,I know there’s pain in your heart,and you cover in star,yes you can seen in I do,coz baby,everything you are,just,everything I need,and you everything to mebabyevery single part iswho you‘re meant to be,and I’ll do everything i need,you can say im numb,you can turn your back against me,yeah im here to say,this sort of life,I had so many time,you push that away,coz baby everything you are,just everything I need and,you everything to me,babyevery single part is,who you‘re meant to be.,and I’ll do everything i need,everything happens for a reason,baby,every single part is,who you‘re meant to be.and I’ll do everything i need





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